
Constitutive models exhibiting viscoelastic and micro-inertia with vortex viscosity effects are used for modeling of transport of heat energy, (angular and linear) with conservation laws for dust phase flow. The governing models are solved via the finite element method. The convergence of numerical solutions is guaranteed and mesh-free results are computed in view of a variation of physical parameters. Micro-rotations have shown a remarkable impact on shear stress and wall heat flux. The momentum relaxation (memory effects) time has shown a remarkable decrease in velocity associated with macro-flow. An increase in vortex viscosity increases angular motion. The Deborah number has shown a decreasing trend on flow. This causes a significant decrease in convective transport of heat energy. The temperature of dust particles increases when the ratio of specific heat and fluid particle interaction parameter for temperature is increased. However, the opposite behavior is noted for the case of increasing the relaxation time of the particle phase. The hybrid nanofluid transports much momentum than the momentum transported by mono-nanofluid.

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