
Plant defence responses can be triggered by the application of elicitors for example chitosan (β-1,4-linked glucosamine; CHT). It is well-known that CHT induces rapid, local production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) resulting in fast stomatal closure. Systemic defence responses are based primarily on phytohormones such as ethylene (ET) and salicylic acid (SA), moreover on the expression of hormone-mediated defence genes and proteins. At the same time, these responses can be dependent also on external factors, such as light but its role was less-investigated. Based on our result in intact tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.), CHT treatment not only induced significant ET emission and stomatal closure locally but also promoted significant production of superoxide which was also detectable in the distal, systemic leaves. However, these changes in ET and superoxide accumulation were detected only in wild type (WT) plants kept in light and were inhibited under darkness as well as in ET receptor Never ripe (Nr) mutants suggesting pivotal importance of ET and light in inducing resistance both locally and systemically upon CHT. Interestingly, CHT-induced NO production was mostly independent of ET or light. At the same time, expression of Pathogenesis-related 3 (PR3) was increased locally in both genotypes in the light and in WT leaves under darkness. This was also observed in distal leaves of WT plants. The CHT-induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, as well as unfolded protein response (UPR) were examined for the first time, via analysis of the lumenal binding protein (BiP). Whereas local expression of BiP was not dependent on the availability of light or ET, systemically it was mediated by ET.

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