
Employee's performance is considered to be the main reason behind the overall growth of organization. There are many reasons in the organization that leads to both effectual and futile performance of the individuals. In order to get fruitful results, it is important for the manager to empower employees by giving full freedom, authority, and power so they can perform well in every task. The present study also focuses on finding out the impact of empowerment on performance of faculty in private colleges. The study took place in two colleges i.e. Doaba Group of Colleges and CGC Landran situated in the region of Punjab. A sample of 100 respondents was drawn using simple random sampling method from the targeted population. The data was collected from the faculty members with the help of structured questionnaire. To check the reliability and validity of the data Cronbach alpha method was used. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) tool was used in order to process and analyze the data. Various statistical techniques were utilized such as descriptive analysis, regression analysis and t-test to check the results. Hence it is concluded that empowerment acts as a recreational tool in improving the performance of faculty members.

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