
Solubility of the amino acids in aqueous electrolytes plays a major role in influencing their solvation thermodynamics which is further associated with their biochemical and biophysical deeds in human physiology. In the present study the solubility of l-proline in aqueous sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium nitrate (NaNO3), potassium chloride (KCl) and potassium nitrate (KNO3) solutions were determined in five equidistant temperatures by using an analytical ‘gravimetric’ method. The experimental results were compared with that of the earlier in order to explain the factors playing the role during the course of solvation of l-proline in the experimental electrolytes solutions. Related thermodynamic and molecular properties such as standard transfers Gibbs energetics, molar volume, density, dipole moment and solvent diameter of the experimental solutions were also evaluated in this study. The above mentioned factors were applied to find out the chemical effects of the transfer Gibbs energies. Different factors such as nature of the solute, interactions between solute and solvents, etc., were characterized by using different physical and analytical loom.

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