
For better decision making Business Intelligence is a vital process. The application of technologies and practices for integrating, collecting, analyzing, business information is known as Business Intelligence (BI). The data driven Support Systems (DSS) is a system that support Business Intelligence. Thus Business Intelligence gains a business advantage if the company uses a strong BI tool instead of making vital decisions pertaining to business on the basis of gut feeling. Generating fact-based data agenda via a robust computer system delivers confidence for any business decisions made. Business Intelligence customs administrations and programming to alter the data into substantial insight that prompts to association's key and strategic business choices. BI devices get to and examine informational collections and present discoveries in dashboards, graphs, outlines, maps and diagrams which gives the customers the details and knowledge about the condition of the business. Thus, the present study focuses on analyzing and describing the development of the various aspects of Business Intelligence and the related industries that use Business Intelligence for decision making.

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