
Acne Conglobata refers to the severe form of acne characterized by large polyporous comedon, severe inflammatory lesions including abscesses and cysts, marked scarring and sinus formation. The etiology of acne involves the interplay of multiple factors, including hormonally-induced sebum production, and inflammation. The gram-positive microaerophilic/anaerobic rod called Cutibacterium acnes (formerly Propionibacterium acnes) is a commensal organism of the skin found deep within the sebaceous follicle and mediates a portion of the inflammatory component. In Ayurveda, AC can be correlated with Mukhadushika which was explained under Kshudra Rogas. Due to vitiation of Kapha, Vata and Rakta, small or medium sized eruptions appeared on the face of adolescents. Classical text explains treatment plan for Mukhadushika is of two types Shodhana Chikitsa and Shamana Chikitsa including Vamana, Nasya, Siravedha, Lepa and Pralepa. A 27 year old male patient came with complaints of Pidaka (glandular and papular swelling) all over the face, Todavat Pida (pricking pain) with oiliness of face, Malabadhata (constipation), improper sleep pattern since last 2 months. After detailed examination and history taking Hetu of the disease were evaluated and patient treated with Shodhan and Shaman for 2 months along with Jalukaavcharan 2 times in treatment duration & was also advised to follow Pathya-Apathy. After completion of treatment patient was got relief of all the complaints and get rid of disease.

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