
One of the most pressing problems of modern dermatology is the treatment of acne vulgaris, acne conglobata and rosacea, torpid to topical and systemic therapy.Objective — to determine methods for the effective treatment of severe forms of acne vulgaris and rosacea. Materials and methods. A review of literature and analysis of the results of clinical examinations of patients with acne and rosacea were conducted.Results and discussion. The management of rosacea and acne is a difficult task and usually requires the consultation of a dermatologist and other specialists (obstetrician-gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist), hormonal status studies, instrumental examination of various organs and systems of the body. Treatment of acne and rosacea requires an integrated approach with prescription of systemic retinoids in case of severe course and resistance to other types of therapy. The use of the original medicine Roaccutane provides the maximum therapeutic effect for acne vulgaris, acne conglobata and rosacea, has an effect on most of the links in the pathogenesis of these diseases, and helps to prevent significant aesthetic deficiencies such as scar formation, which significantly improves the quality of life of patients. The use of Roaccutane provides a regression of acne elements, reduction or complete elimination of seborrhea and is the golden standard in the treatment of severe forms of acne. Improvement of the clinical picture of severe forms of acne is associated with a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands and histologically confirmed decrease of their sizes. The anti-inflammatory effect of isotretinoin on the skin is proven. To prevent the occurrence of relapses of the disease upon reaching the course dose of Roaccutane, it is recommended to take its low doses for 3—6 months. Conclusions. The use of the original drug Roaccutane has proven to be the most effective in the treatment of moderate and severe acne, even in cases of inefficiency of other systemic agents.

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