
A huge increase in mobile health applications and wearable technologies has been seen in young individuals to track the records of progress in healthy lifestyle adaptation. Objective: To determine the role of advanced technologies and tools in affecting the nutritional wellness and lifestyle behaviors among university students. Methods: A cross sectional study was done at University of Lahore, Lahore Campus for duration of 4 months, using convenient sampling technique. Data were collected from 100 university students by a self-governing questionnaire. Different statistical tools were applied using SPSS version 21.0 software to analyze the data which included descriptive statistics and cross tabulation. Results: Out of 100 participants, 56% used wearable technology and 32% did not use while 12% used it in the past. On the contrary, 36% maintained weight and 27% did not maintain. 33% used this technology for awareness against diseases and 36% found no use in awareness out of 100. 52% got help in choosing portion sizes, 48% maintained hydration and joined exercise programs. 40% participants reduced interactions with their doctors due to this technology. 26% participants found that it reduces public health cost while 26%used it for detection of drug cravings. Conclusions: The results of this research conclude that there were a large number of participants use fitness apps and watches. Individuals mostly use these technologies for weight loss tracking and to improve their health. A positive impact of these tools and technologies is hence found upon healthy lifestyle adaptation among university students.

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