According to current concepts, ruminal and metabolic acidosis occur due to feeding cattle mainly with preserved acidic feeds such as silage and haylage. However, errors in feeding are not the only etiological factor leading to acidosis. In some cases, metabolic acidosis in cattle can develop along with respiratory infection caused by viral and bacterial agents. The main pathological processes resulting from acute respiratory diseases of cattle are bronchitises, tracheites and pneumonias. When the respiratory tract is affected in cattle, hypoxia occurs, causing intoxication and, thus, leading to ruminal acidosis. As a result, vasoactive substances (bacterial endotoxins, histamine, lactate) enter the bloodstream, the vascular endothelium is damaged due to the simultaneous expansion of arterioles and compression of venules, blood fluid is perfused from the vessels into the surrounding tissues, the blood flow in the microcirculatory bed is disrupted. An important role in the disturbance of blood circulation in small blood vessels is played by circulating immune complexes representing the «antigen-antibody» complex. Low molecular weight circulating immune complexes settle in various organs and tissues of the body, lead to inflammation and damage the normal tissue structure. Most frequently, immune complexes affect the endothelium of blood vessels, renal glomeruli and joints. Distal limb vessels are primarily affected in cattle, leading to disturbance of skin trophism of the limbs and hooves, development of laminitis, while the hoof horn is weakly keratinized and cannot resist aggressive mechanical and chemical environmental factors. Damaged hooves are the gateway of infection for the agents of necrobacteriosis (Fusobacterium necrophorum), staphylococcosis (Staphylococcus spp.), streptococcosis (Streptococcus spp.) and other pathogens. In addition, favorable conditions evolve for the development of mixed infection due to reduction in the overall organism resistance, which is observed for both respiratory and distal limb infections.
Errors in feeding are not the only etiological factor leading to acidosis
Metabolic acidosis in cattle can develop along with respiratory infection caused by viral and bacterial agents.The main pathological processes resulting from acute respiratory diseases of cattle are bronchitises, tracheites and pneumonias.When the respiratory tract is affected in cattle, hypoxia occurs, causing intoxication and, leading to ruminal acidosis
An important role in the disturbance of blood circulation in small blood vessels is played by circulating immune complexes representing the «antigen-antibody» complex
Исследования проводились на базе кафедры инфекционной и незаразной патологии ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный аграрный университет» и сельскохозяйственных предприятий Уральского региона в период с 2014 по 2021 г. В работе применяли эпизоотологический, патоморфологический, иммунологический и бактериологический методы исследований. Объектами изучения были крупный рогатый скот, выращиваемый в условиях промышленного производства (привязное содержание), кровь, сыворотка крови, соскобы с копыт, а также патологический материал, полученный от вынужденно убитого 14-суточного теленка с признаками пневмонии (кусочки легкого и бронхиальные лимфатические узлы). Патологический материал от вынужденно убитого теленка фиксировали в 10%-м растворе нейтрального формалина, заливали парафином и готовили гистологические препараты по общепринятой методике. Материалом для иммунологических исследований являлась кровь коров и телят. Оценку количества циркулирующих иммунных комплексов (ЦИК) в сыворотке крови осуществляли методом иммунопреципитации в 4%-м растворе полиэтиленгликоля (ПЭГ-6000) с последующим фотометрированием на спектрофотометре СФ-2000 (ООО «ОКБ Спектр», Россия). Обработку полученных статистических и экспериментальных данных проводили с использованием программы Microsoft Excel, входящей в офисный пакет Microsoft Office
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