
The essence of such concepts as “national security”, “economic security” is disclosed; the components of the national and economic security of Ukraine are defined; mechanisms of public administration economic security; the main indicators of economic security are described; detected threats that affect economic security; Recommendations are developed to improve the effectiveness of implemented measures to minimize existing threats. It is determined that at present state administration of the subjects of ensuring national security taking into account real and potential threats should be directed to the improvement of the organizational structure of the management of the subjects of ensuring national security, namely: clarification of the functions of ministries and other central executive bodies, elimination of surplus administrative units, simplification and relatively cheaper control of the management apparatus, taking into account the assessment of the impact of information networks on the management of entities with bezpechennya national security in a single information space. Having considered the components of national security, it was concluded that the most important in the overall system of national security is economic security, since it is the material basis of national sovereignty, which determines the real possibilities for securing other types of security. It is noted that the main content of economic reforms in Ukraine is the creation of conditions for overcoming poverty and excessive property stratification in society, bringing social standards closer to the level of the states of Central and Eastern Europe — the EU member states, achieving the economic criteria necessary for Ukraine to become a member of the EU. According to the adopted “Strategy of National Security of Ukraine”, the main condition for a new quality of economic growth is the provision of economic security.

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