
‘Więź’ journal community towards the reformsof the educational system in 1950s and 1960sSummaryThe group of columnists gathered around ‘Więź’ journal fostered the traditionalCatholic values, encouraged participation in the Catholic community and promotedthe idea of social commitment of Catholics. They acknowledged the fact ofimplementation of socialist reforms in Poland as inevitable. Apart from socio-culturaland historical issues, long-term intellectual work on shaping young Poles attitudesand behaviour was of interest to the ‘Więź’ journal community. Accordingto ‘Więź’ journal editors, it was education that ascribed the main role in the processof building a human society and social order. The interests of ‘Więź’ journal communityin the educational issues resulted from the above premises. ‘Więź’ journalcommunity willingly accepted the readiness of the Polish educational authoritiesfor wide-ranging reforms in 1956/57 and 1961. The complex educational problemswere repeatedly analysed in ‘Więź’ journal.

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