When an electronic system has strong correlations and a large spin-orbit interaction, it often exhibits a plethora of mutually competing quantum phases. How a particular quantum ground state is selected out of several possibilities is a very interesting question. However, equally fascinating is how such a quantum entangled state breaks up due to perturbation. This important question has relevance in very diverse fields of science from strongly correlated electron physics to quantum information. Here we report that a quantum entangled dimerized state or valence bond crystal (VBC) phase of Li2RuO3 shows nontrivial doping dependence as we perturb the Ru honeycomb lattice by replacing Ru with Li. Through extensive experimental studies, we demonstrate that the VBC phase melts into a valence bond liquid phase of the RVB (resonating valence bond) type. This system offers an interesting playground where one can test and refine our current understanding of the quantum competing phases in a single compound.
We demonstrate that the valence bond crystal (VBC) phase melts into a valence bond liquid phase of the RVB type
Of particular interest is that all this happens despite the fact that the singlet dimers seem to survive locally even at higher doping
Our work shows that Li2RuO3 is a very convenient and interesting material, providing good playground, on which one can test and improve our understanding of the unique transition from a valence bond crystal state to a valence bond liquid state, a quite nontrivial quantum state of matter, and eventually to a magnetically ordered state
Our detailed and extensive studies on the disorder effects of Li2RuO3 paint two apparently contradicting, yet rather revealing pictures of the spin dimerization. Our work shows that Li2RuO3 is a very convenient and interesting material, providing good playground, on which one can test and improve our understanding of the unique transition from a valence bond crystal state to a valence bond liquid state, a quite nontrivial quantum state of matter, and eventually to a magnetically ordered state. It provides a rare window of opportunity to study the question of the destruction of quantum-entangled states in a real material
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