
The aim of the study is to attract the main problems of women in the water sector of Kyrgyzstan through a brief overview. Formally, in modern Kyrgyz legislation, there are no barriers and restrictions to women's participation in all spheres of life. However, in practice, some of them are declarative and they do not involve the involvement of either financial or organizational resources for their implementation. In the water sector of Kyrgyzstan, the total number of specialists is 5063 people, 956 of them are women, which is 19% of the total number. The management of water sectors and departments is also highly trusted by men. Men’s migration impacts the societal fabric of rural regions, with men of workforce age being abroad and women left alone to take care of agricultural work, children’s education, and care of the elderly. The international donors are studying women's rights in the water legislation, women's participation in decision-making on the example of water user associations, and local problems related to water supply and drinking water quality, depending on the specific case, that helps improve their situation in the water sector. Currently, Kyrgyz women view their position in society not from the point of view of their exclusive role in the family, but from the point of view of economic, social, and political significance. However, self-doubt and limited opportunities of women, especially young ones, force them to remain inactive even in the most critical situations.

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