
An unprecedented rate of growth in the number of vehicles has resulted in acute road congestion problems worldwide, especially in many developing countries. In this article, we present Road-RFSense, a practical RF sensing--based road traffic estimation system for developing regions. Our first contribution is a new mechanism to sense road occupancy, based on variation in RF link characteristics, when line of sight between a transmitter-receiver pair is obstructed. We design algorithms to classify traffic states into two classes, free-flow versus congested, at timescales of 20 seconds with greater than 90% accuracy. We also present a traffic queue length measurement system, where a network of RF sensors can correlate the traffic state classification decisions of individual sensors and detect traffic queue length in real time. Deployment of our system on a Mumbai road gives correct estimates, validated against 9 hours of image-based ground truth. Our third contribution is a large-scale data-driven study, in collaboration with city traffic authorities, to answer questions regarding road-specific classification model training. Finally, we explore multilevel classification into seven different traffic states using a larger set of RF-based features and careful choice of classification algorithms.

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