Kalman filter is a commonly used method in the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS) integrated navigation system, in which the process noise covariance matrix has a significant influence on the positioning accuracy and sometimes even causes the filter to diverge when using the process noise covariance matrix with large errors. Though many studies have been done on process noise covariance estimation, the ability of the existing methods to adapt to dynamic and complex environments is still weak. To obtain accurate and robust localization results under various complex and dynamic environments, we propose an adaptive Kalman filter navigation algorithm (which is simply called RL-AKF), which can adaptively estimate the process noise covariance matrix using a reinforcement learning approach. By taking the integrated navigation system as the environment, and the opposite of the current positioning error as the reward, the adaptive Kalman filter navigation algorithm uses the deep deterministic policy gradient to obtain the most optimal process noise covariance matrix estimation from the continuous action space. Extensive experimental results show that our proposed algorithm can accurately estimate the process noise covariance matrix, which is robust under different data collection times, different GNSS outage time periods, and using different integration navigation fusion schemes. The RL-AKF achieves an average positioning error of 0.6517 m within 10 s GNSS outage for GNSS/INS integrated navigation system and 14.9426 m and 15.3380 m within 300 s GNSS outage for the GNSS/INS/Odometer (ODO) and the GNSS/INS/Non-Holonomic Constraint (NHC) integrated navigation systems, respectively.
Precise positioning and navigation of ground vehicles in complex urban environments is fundamental and necessary for the development of efficient stroke planning, unmanned driving, and autonomous operation
With the worldwide deployment of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and the Inertial Navigation System (INS), many research efforts have been made to estimate the dynamic states of ground vehicles and improve the estimation accuracy using GNSS and INS data [1,2,3,4,5], among which the Kalman filtering (KF) techniques play an essential role [6]
To solve the above-mentioned problems, we propose an adaptive process noise covariance estimation algorithm driven by the positioning accuracy using reinforcement learning (RL)
Precise positioning and navigation of ground vehicles in complex urban environments is fundamental and necessary for the development of efficient stroke planning, unmanned driving, and autonomous operation. With the worldwide deployment of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and the Inertial Navigation System (INS), many research efforts have been made to estimate the dynamic states of ground vehicles and improve the estimation accuracy using GNSS and INS data [1,2,3,4,5], among which the Kalman filtering (KF) techniques play an essential role [6]. TThhee iinnflfluueennccee ooff ddiiffffeerreenntt pprroocceessss nnooiissee mmaattrriixx ((QQ)) vvaalluueess oonn KKaallmmaann fifilltteerr ppoossiittiioonniinngg ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee. TThhee ssttaannddaarrdd vvaalluuee ooff aa QQ mmaattrriixx iinn tthhee fifigguurree ccoommeess ffrroomm tthhee ccaalliibbrraattiioonn ddaattaa ooff tthhee sseennssoorr mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr
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