AbstractThis paper discusses a model to predict intended condom use among a sample of British, 16‐20 year old virgins (n = 571). This group are of interest as they hold attitudes and have beliefs about condoms and their ability to use them that are not based upon experience of condom use. In particular the paper focuses upon intentions to use condoms despite the possible disadvantages that condoms are perceived by some to have (e.g. lost spontaneity, the need to carry them etc.). The resulting model suggests that perceptions of personal control over sexual relationships and the perceived ability to use condoms whatever the situation can predict intentions to use condoms. Where respondents expect not to have control, either over sexual relationships generally or condom use specifically, they are less likely to intend to use condoms. A willingness to take risks as a general trait of individuals also provides additional predictive power in the model. The results are discussed with reference to Bandura's (1989) theory of self‐efficacy and health education policy.
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