
The purpose of the paper is to introduce a risk-oriented approach to criminology as a science and practical activity of combating crime. The subject of criminology also includes crime prevention, but in the form of general and individual prevention. The research methods consist of generalisation and analysis of scientific works by domestic criminologists, systematisation of the results of practical activities, and comparison of theoretical achievements with practical experience. The dominant view among domestic and foreign criminologists is that crime and specific crimes are social in their nature. The psychophysiological characteristics of an individual in criminal behaviour are of secondary importance. They may, under certain circumstances, act as conditions that facilitate criminal behaviour, but they do not act as causes. Criminal behaviour, like other behaviours, is the result of the interaction of an individual with the environment, in which the environment plays a leading role. Therefore, the main direction of prevention of criminal offenses and individual criminal behaviour is to identify the external environment, its causes and conditions. Specific causes and conditions that can act as determinants of criminal behaviour. They should be logically called risk factors for criminal offenses or criminal behaviour. Prevention is essential for combating criminal offenses, and its effective implementation is impossible without predicting crime and individual misconduct. The existing methodologies do not fully meet the requirements of the applicable laws and best practices in this area. Criminologists do not study the causes and conditions of crime and individual criminal offenses from the perspective of the risk-oriented approach. In this regard, the paper uses specific examples to show the possibilities of using the risk-based approach in criminology.

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