Time-Consistent Diversified Portfolio Allocations Portfolio allocation problems typically involve diversification of risks, which can be achieved by risk budgeting strategies. Of additional importance is being time consistent—that is, ensuring that decisions about what to do in the future under certain outcomes remain optimal when those future outcomes are realized. In “Risk Budgeting Allocation for Dynamic Risk Measures,” Pesenti, Jaimungal, Saporito, and Targino develop time-consistent portfolio strategies, termed dynamic risk budgeting strategies, where the diversification is on the level of risk contribution of assets. The authors formalize the dynamic setting of risk budgeting strategies, recast dynamic risk budgeting strategies as solutions of sequences of convex optimization problems, and develop an efficient actor-critic deep reinforcement learning algorithm for estimating dynamic risk budgeting strategies. The algorithm and the dynamic risk budgeting strategies are illustrated on a complex simulation case study involving five assets and 12 time steps.
Published Version
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