
Huang, X.; Yang, Z.; Chen, Y.; Fang, G., and Yang, H., 2019. Risk assessment method and application of embankment engineering based on cloud model. In: Guido-Aldana, P.A. and Mulahasan, S. (eds.), Advances in Water Resources and Exploration. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 93, pp. 310–319. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.Based on the risk factors of the embankment engineering, the risk factors of the embankment engineering are classified, and the risk evaluation index system of the embankment project is set up, which includes 5 aspects, including load, protection, dike body characteristics, embankment base characteristics and dangerous situation statistics, which are 20 indexes, the grade and standard of each index are determined, and cloud model method was applied to evaluate the risk of embankment project in the Qinhuai River between Qiqiaoweng and Dongshan Bridge in Nanjing. The results show that the evaluation value of embankment engineering between Qiqiaowen and Dongshan Bridge in 2007 is 87.99, which is a general safe grade, which is consistent with the assessment at that time. However, the evaluation value is 95.67 in 2017, which belongs to the Safe grade, which is consistent with the Qinhuai River regulation target in Nanjing, and is consistent with the actual situation, which validates the validity and applicability of the cloud model evaluation method.

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