
Despite being sessile, plants nonetheless forage for resources by modulating their growth. Adaptative foraging in response to changes in resource availability and presence of neighbours has strong implications for performance and fitness. It is an even more pressing issue for parasitic plants, which draw resources directly from other plants. Indeed, parasitic plants were demonstrated over the years to direct their growth towards preferred hosts and invest resources in parasitism relative to host quality. In contrast to root parasites that rely mostly on chemical cues, some shoot parasites seem to profit from the ability to integrate different types of abiotic and biotic cues. While significant progress in this field has been made recently, there are still many open questions regarding the molecular perception and the integration of diverse signalling pathways under different ecological contexts. Addressing how different cues are integrated in parasitic plants will be important when unravelling variations in plant interaction pathways, and essential to predict the spread of parasites in natural and agricultural environments. In this review, we discuss this with a focus on Cuscuta species as an emerging parasitic model,and provide research perspectives based on the recent advances in the topic and plant-plant interactions in general.

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