
Let $(K,v)$ be a valued field and let $(K^h,v^h)$ be the henselization determined by the choice of an extension of $v$ to an algebraic closure of $K$. Consider an embedding $v(K^*)\hookrightarrow\Lambda$ of the value group into a divisible ordered abelian group. Let $T(K,\Lambda)$, $T(K^h,\Lambda)$ be the trees formed by all $\Lambda$-valued extensions of $v$, $v^h$ to the polynomial rings $K[x]$, $K^h[x]$, respectively. We show that the natural restriction mapping $T(K^h,\Lambda)\to T(K,\Lambda)$ is an isomorphism of posets. As a consequence, the restriction mapping $T_v\to T_{v^h}$ is an isomorphism of posets too, where $T_v$, $T_{v^h}$ are the trees whose nodes are the equivalence classes of valuations on $K[x]$, $K^h[x]$ whose restriction to $K$, $K^h$ are equivalent to $v$, $v^h$, respectively.

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