
We show that the equivariant Chow cohomology ring of a toric vari- ety is naturally isomorphic to the ring of integral piecewise polynomial functions on the associated fan. This gives a large class of singular spaces for which lo- calization holds in equivariant Chow cohomology with integer coe!cients. We also compute the equivariant Chow cohomology of toric prevarieties and general complex hypertoric varieties in terms of piecewise polynomial functions. If X = X(!) is a smooth, complete complex toric variety then the follow- ing rings are canonically isomorphic: the equivariant singular cohomology ring H ! T (X), the equivariant Chow cohomology ring A ! (X), the Stanley-Riesner ring SR(!), and the ring of integral piecewise polynomial functions PP ! (!). If X is simplicial but not smooth then H ! (X) may have torsion and the natural map from SR(!) takes monomial generators to piecewise linear functions with ra- tional, but not necessarily integral, coecients. In such cases, these rings are not isomorphic, but they become isomorphic after tensoring with Q. When X is not simplicial, there are still natural maps between these rings, for instance from A ! (X)Q to H ! (X)Q and from H ! T (X) to PP ! (!), but these maps are far

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