
Richard Folkman was born in 1830 in Leipzig in family of the privatdozent of the local university. Richard Folkman studied medicine at Gallet and Gissen's universities, in 1854 graduated from medical faculty of the Berlin university. In 1854 Folkman defended the dissertation then he works as the assistant, the privatdozent, extraordinary professor in surgical clinic of professor Blazius at Halle University. He participates in the German military campaigns 1865-1866 and 1870-1871 of. During the French-German war works as the chief physician in the 4th army body, is later in the Maas and Southern army. In 1866 receives the invitation to management of surgery of Halle University of department. From 1867 to 1885 Folkman ordinary professor of surgery and the director of university surgical clinic in Halle. From 70th years he begins to publish a series of monographs devoted to internal diseases, surgery and gynecology "A collection of clinical reports", since 1880 becomes the coeditor of the surgical edition "Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie". One of the main merits of Richard Folkman is broad promoting of a method of antiseptics. Folkman made extremely important contribution to increase in efficiency of treatment of the patients by use of an occlusive bandage in the conditions of wartime developed by it wire T-shaped immobilized tires, ways of treatment of bone changes by an extension method. It described several forms of bone tuberculosis. In 1872 Richard Folkman with colleagues created the German society of surgeons which chairman he was since 1885. In 1885 Folkman was awarded a noble rank. The name of Folkman is born by the contracture described by it, a number of surgeries, devices and tools. In 1889 Richard Folkman died.

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