
Abstract The paper aims to present some preliminary outcomes as part of the National Research Project Atlante della lingua e dei testi della cultura gastronomica italiana dall’età medievale all’Unità (AtLiTeG). The project’s main purpose is to reconstruct the history and geography of Italian culinary texts and their language from the medieval period to the Unification of Italy. The Unit of Naples «Federico II» created a corpus of interregional cookbooks printed between the 18th and the 19th centuries, namely before the turning point represented by Pellegrino Artusi’s Scienza in cucina (1891). After illustrating our digital database, together with other kinds of collected sources, we will deal with some historical-linguistic and lexical issues related to the Cuoco galante (1773) by Vincenzo Corrado, a very important gastronome and chef of Bourbon Naples.

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