Local synthesis of proteins within the Schwann cell periphery is extremely important for efficient process extension and myelination, when cells undergo dramatic changes in polarity and geometry. Still, it is unclear how ribosomal distributions are developed and maintained within Schwann cell projections to sustain local translation. In this multi-disciplinary study, we expressed a plasmid encoding a fluorescently labeled ribosomal subunit (L4-GFP) in cultured primary rat Schwann cells. This enabled the generation of high-resolution, quantitative data on ribosomal distributions and trafficking dynamics within Schwann cells during early stages of myelination, induced by ascorbic acid treatment. Ribosomes were distributed throughout Schwann cell projections, with ~2-3 bright clusters along each projection. Clusters emerged within 1 day of culture and were maintained throughout early stages of myelination. Three days after induction of myelination, net ribosomal movement remained anterograde (directed away from the Schwann cell body), but ribosomal velocity decreased to about half the levels of the untreated group. Statistical and modeling analysis provided additional insight into key factors underlying ribosomal trafficking. Multiple regression analysis indicated that net transport at early time points was dependent on anterograde velocity, but shifted to dependence on anterograde duration at later time points. A simple, data-driven rate kinetics model suggested that the observed decrease in net ribosomal movement was primarily dictated by an increased conversion of anterograde particles to stationary particles, rather than changes in other directional parameters. These results reveal the strength of a combined experimental and theoretical approach in examining protein localization and transport, and provide evidence of an early establishment of ribosomal populations within Schwann cell projections with a reduction in trafficking following initiation of myelination.
Schwann cells (SCs), a major cell type of the peripheral nervous system, are tasked with supporting neurons in numerous ways, from enhancing electrical conduction (Waxman and Bennett, 1972) to providing trophic factors for axonal growth and regeneration (Son and Thompson, 1995; Bryan et al, 2000)
We compared early (Days 1 and 3) and late (Day 7 No AA) time points for untreated cells, and for the late time point, cells treated with ascorbic acid at day 4 to induce myelination (Day 7AA)
This study provides a first quantitative look into the establishment of ribosomal populations within Schwann cells following neuronal contact and myelination, and transport changes associated with a hypothesized change in demand for a local protein synthesis source
Schwann cells (SCs), a major cell type of the peripheral nervous system, are tasked with supporting neurons in numerous ways, from enhancing electrical conduction (Waxman and Bennett, 1972) to providing trophic factors for axonal growth and regeneration (Son and Thompson, 1995; Bryan et al, 2000) In this capacity, they possess a distinctive bipolar architecture; internode distances of Ribosomal transport in Schwann cells up to 500 μm require distances between the Schwann cell body and distal processes to reach over 200 μm (Jacobs and Cavanagh, 1969). Myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA has been observed to be distributed throughout SC and oligodendrocyte projections (Trapp et al, 1987, 1988; Griffiths et al, 1989; Gould and Mattingly, 1990), and radiolabeled MBP (2 min) appears early compared to the cell body-synthesized protein PLP (30 min) in the myelin fraction of oligodendrocytes, providing additional evidence for translation of MBP within the myelin fraction (Colman et al, 1982)
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