
A variety of bacterial and fungal co-infections may be attributed to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), particularly in people who already have a medical condition such diabetes mellitus or those who received large dosages of steroids. We described a 52-year-old diabetic man who was receiving high doses of dexamethasone and antibiotics while receiving ambulatory care for COVID-19 pneumonia. His anterior rhinoscopy revealed a necrotic scab, and a sample confirmed Mucor spp. He underwent surgery and was given amphotericin as a result of the severity of the condition, palpebral ptosis, and right ocular palsy he was experiencing. The patien ́s progression was satisfactory. pre-existing diabetes mellitus, previous steroid and antimicrobial use, as well as SARS-CoV-2 infection are some of the risk factors associated with Mucor spp. infection. Prompt detection of mucormycosis is important in the management of these affected patients.

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