
Introduction by Robert V. Friedenberg The 1960 Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debates by Theodore O. Windt Jr. The 1976 Carter-Ford Presidential Debates by Goodwin Berquist The 1976 Mondale-Dole Vice Presidential Debate by Kevin Sauter The 1980 Reagan-Carter Presidential Debate by Kurt Ritter and David Henry The 1984 Reagan-Mondale Presidential Debates by Craig Allen Smith and Kathy B. Smith The 1984 Bush-Ferraro Vice Presidential Debate by Judith S. Trent The 1988 Bush-Dukakis Presidential Debates by Halford Ross Ryan The 1988 Quayle-Bentsen Vice Presidential Debate by Warren D. Decker The 1992 Clinton-Bush-Perot Presidential Debates by Dan F. Hahn The 1992 Gore-Quayle-Stockdale Vice Presidential Debate by L. Patrick Devlin Patterns and Trends in National Political Debates: 1960-1992 by Robert V. Friedenberg Selected Bibliography on Political Camapign Debating Index

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