
This paper aims to describe the rhetoric and figure of speech Minangkabau locality in kaba Rancak di Labuah by Dt. Panduko Alam and Anggun and Tongga by Ambas Mahkota. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data in this study are in the form of words that indicate the concept of rhetorical style consisting of style of affirmation and opposition; majas consisting of comparative style and satire Minangkabau locality. The source of data in this study is the kaba Rancak Labuah by Dt. Panduko Alam and Anggun and Tongga by Ambas Mahkota in Minangkabau language. From the results of identification and classification of the finding data, language style shows the language, community, and culture of the Minangkabau. Language identity refers to local ways of delivering, using diction and vocabulary so that it is unique to the cultural identity of a Minangkabau community. To express an idea directly, the use of diction and rhetorical language style of the Minangkabau locality shows that the Minangkabau language in kaba is loaded with potential affirmative styles (hyperbole, anticlimax, and asindeton) and contradiction (antithesis). The style used is relative; depends on the intent and purpose of the ideas conveyed. When the ideas in question are urgent and essential, Minangkabau people are represented utilizing language with indirect power and means, namely comparison (alusio, metaphor, and simile) and satire (satire) which represent the way of speaking and feeling of people in Minangkabau in general.

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