
Globally, prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common cancers to strike men. Diet and lifestyle appear to have a significant impact on PCa biology and carcinogenesis. PCa is the major reason of death by cancer in men. Anti-PCa qualities like growth of tumor inhibition, induction of cell death, and angiogenesis and metastasis inhibition have all been studied in depth. Phytochemicals have been demonstrated to target androgen receptor (AR) signaling as well as PCa stem cells in a selection of investigations. Marine compounds have shown potential in the treatment of PCa. It is discussed in this article, some of the most promising bioactive natural and marine compounds for PCa prevention and treatment, as well as their specific methods of action. An emphasis on specific medicine is one of the future directions in the revolutionization of bioactive natural ingredients for PCa research and therapy. Advances in nanotechnology can enhance the bioavailability and specificity of bioactive substances for cancer cells, maximizing their therapeutic potential and enhancing patient treatment. Bioactive natural compounds represent an innovative field in the study and treatment of PCa. Promising results point to their potential to block cancer pathways and improve on already effective therapeutic approaches. As we advance, modified medicine, nanotechnology, and genomics methods will be fundamental in maximizing the efficacy of these natural substances and ultimately changing the treatment of PCa. But in order to close the gap between exciting findings and therapeutic application, more study, clinical trials, and effective activities are essential.

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