
Digital pathology has transformed the traditional pathology practice of analyzing tissue under a microscope into a computer vision workflow. Whole-slide imaging allows pathologists to view and analyze microscopic images on a computer monitor, enabling computational pathology. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), computational pathology has emerged as a promising field in recent years. Recently, task-specific AI/ML (eg, convolutional neural networks) has risen to the forefront, achieving above-human performance in many image-processing and computer vision tasks. The performance of task-specific AI/ML models depends on the availability of many annotated training datasets, which presents a rate-limiting factor for AI/ML development in pathology. Task-specific AI/ML models cannot benefit from multimodal data and lack generalization, eg, the AI models often struggle to generalize to new datasets or unseen variations in image acquisition, staining techniques, or tissue types. The 2020s are witnessing the rise of foundation models and generative AI. A foundation model is a large AI model trained using sizable data, which is later adapted (or fine-tuned) to perform different tasks using a modest amount of task-specific annotated data. These AI models provide in-context learning, can self-correct mistakes, and promptly adjust to user feedback. In this review, we provide a brief overview of recent advances in computational pathology enabled by task-specific AI, their challenges and limitations, and then introduce various foundation models. We propose to create a pathology-specific generative AI based on multimodal foundation models and present its potentially transformative role in digital pathology. We describe different use cases, delineating how it could serve as an expert companion of pathologists and help them efficiently and objectively perform routine laboratory tasks, including quantifying image analysis, generating pathology reports, diagnosis, and prognosis. We also outline the potential role that foundation models and generative AI can play in standardizing the pathology laboratory workflow, education, and training.

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