
The article highlights the current state of construction robotics equipped with artificial intelligence, which in turn actively develops and automates the construction industry. The foundations of this type of robotics were laid in the distant past, but specific prototypes of robots that were sporadically involved in the construction industry began to be actively developed in 2010-2015. The article presents the author's analysis of the report "Global Artificial Intelligence in Construction Market Analysis", published on the official electronic resource of the global analytical company Research Dive. The Report shows that since 2020, every fifth worker death per year has been recorded in the construction sector globally. Based on this report, the author also draws the main conclusions of the problems of integrating artificial intelligence into the construction industry. The article provides several specific examples of construction robots (IronBOT and TyBOT - a system of robots from Advanced Construction Robotics that can perform automated layout of reinforcing bars and their binding according to the main parameters (diameter of reinforcement, reinforcement pitch), construction software (Newmetrix Vinnie - a set of programs that, based on the analysis of photos and videos from construction, assist in predicting the health and safety of workers on construction sites, as well as predict deviations of construction from the design document), and construction software (Newmetrix Vinnie - a set of programs that, based on the analysis of photos and videos from construction sites, assist in predicting the health and safety of workers on construction sites, and predict deviations from the design document). Based on the material described above, the author summarises the current situation and identifies several current basic problems in the integration of artificial intelligence into the construction sector.

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