
Sartre's philosophy is a 'philosophy of liberty', where every man and woman are 'free' and are also the source of what can be called libertarian existence. But why does the world always reveal itself as the most harmful prison? The paradox is revealed: man is free 'in situation', and it is through the situation (or in obedience to normativity) that he must propose his model of a free man. In this scenario would it be lawful to 'impose freedom'? Not for Sartre who, in his revolutionary project, proposes the constitution of a 'space of freedom' in which, 'by the work of art', ontological freedom is evoked - freedom that is not merely reactive but creative of a free world and of would means to reach it ... This article is (and proposes) an exercise based on the 'phenomenological look' as the basis for the discussion of normativity present in images representative of a bad faith aesthetic.


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