
Quality Education plays an important role in the progress and development of every country. Without Education nation and society can achieve its goals. Educated people can set an exemplary society because education used as strong weapon in awareness of mental capabilities and progress. If the education system be effective and free of errors, the education will be more standardized. We are living in an Islamic country so educational and other policies and systems should be on Islamic values. Importance of Education is realized by this Hadith" Get Education, Even If you have to travel to china" We analyze the success of implementation of Islamic Values should by contracting them in four terms e. g educational, political, social and economical. This is the true reality that every nation and country can achieve its targets in the light of his "settled values and goals”. In this article We analyze, how we can implement Islamic values in education system and the solution of problems and hurdles achieving the goals of Islamic values.If the education be in accordance of Islam and Islamic values. We can prosper in such a good way that no one compete us, and challenge us. We can change the world as no other religion and nation can be equal to Islam

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