
Abstract Islamic education is needed by human to persisted in the way of Allah by referring to alquran and hadith. For teenagers, in order to they are not wrong in the act, madrasah can be one of the solution to lay the value of Islamic education. However, it cannot be denied, although the educational system have set well, there are still the students who can not be controlled He is from various factors, either internal factors and external factors. It can be seen from the problems that exist in many schools and madrasah such as smoking, truancy, indecent, courtship and even marriage by accidents, occure because of wrong association. It is clearly that these behavior violate the rules of school / madrasah and even the Islamic value. These also happened in Islamic Private Junior High School Islamiyah Belongkut Labuhan Batu Utara Regency. Based on the background above, it was found the results of research 1) The role of Islamic education teachers in particular and madrasah staff in general have not been applied the values of Islamic education maximally yet 2 ) Basically, the aspects that become obstacles in the implementation of Islamic education values are the staff of the education are not yet mature, teacher competence, incomplete facilities and infrastructure and low interest, motivation, and the lack of student religious provision in the emplementation of Islamic eduaction. 3) As for the solution offered by researcher in the implementation of Islamic eduation values totally are by teacher competence training or workshop, integration-interconnection learning, values which is taught, computer-based learning, giving students a daily-life notebook, providing a community, giving a role model, making habits, choosing a child environment, creating a conducive environment, and reward and punishment.

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