
A comfortable and healthy residential area must be supported by the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure such as the availability of clean water networks, road networks, drainage systems, worship facilities, green open spaces and temporary garbage storage facilities. The available temporary garbage collection sites must be able to accommodate the volume of waste up to the relevant transportation service schedule. However, sometimes transportation delays can occur, so that it can cause problems in residential areas, especially in Buana Gardenia housing such as unpleasant odors and the flow of water that is blocked due to rubbish that falls into the waterways. Waste that falls into the water channel over time can clog the flow of water in it, other than that due to organic rotting in the water channel can cause sedimentation in the bottom of the channel so that the channel becomes shallow. To anticipate the fall of rubbish into the waterways due to the full volume of waste and delays in transportation from related agencies. In the community service activities at the Buana Gardenia housing complex, a temporary garbage shelter will be revitalized. The revitalization results can reduce the waste that falls into the water channel so that the flow of water in the channel flows smoothly, reducing the number of mosquito larvae and puddle when it rains.


  • ABSTRAK Kawasan perumahan yang nyaman dan sehat harus didukung dengan tersedianya sarana dan prasarana yang memadai seperti ketersediaan jaringan air bersih, jaringan jalan, sistem saluran drainase, fasilitas peribadatan, ruang terbuka hijau dan tempat penampungan sampah sementara

  • A comfortable and healthy residential area must be supported by the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure such as the availability of clean water networks, road networks, drainage systems, worship facilities, green open spaces and temporary garbage storage facilities

  • The available temporary garbage collection sites must be able to accommodate the volume of waste up to the relevant transportation service schedule

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Wilayah perkotaan dengan permasalahan yang kompleks, menyebabkan kebutuhan kawasan perumahan semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk akibat laju urbanisasi [1]. Meskipun di perumahan Buana Gardenia telah tersedia tempat penampungan sampah sementara, namun terkadang terjadi keterlambatan pengangkutan sampah sehingga menimbulkan bau yang tidak sedap dan mengganggu kenyamanan masyarakat [9] serta beberapa sampah jatuh ke dalam saluran air (Gambar 1). Perbaikan yang dilakukan mengantisipasi agar sampah tidak jatuh ke dalam saluran air, terutama ketika kondisi tempat pembuangan sampah sementara sudah penuh. C. Realisasi pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi mitra Setelah melakukan pemeriksaan situasi dan kondisi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra serta menentukan langkah perbaikan yang tepat, maka tim pengabdian masyarakat menyusun jadwal pelaksanaan atau realisasi pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan. Monitoring bertujuan untuk melihat efek kegiatan perbaikan pada tempat penampungan sampah sementara, seperti berfungsinya penanganan yang dilakukan oleh tim dalam mengatasi sampah yang jatuh ke dalam saluran drainase serta keberlanjutan pelaksanaan gotong royong warga atau mitra dalam menjaga fasilitas yang diperbaiki

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