
As a form of Child Friendly City policy, the Child Friendly Playroom (RBRA) program is realized. Pekanbaru's achievement as a city that provides certified child-friendly play spaces is a manifestation of its initial commitment to building and giving children the right to develop and develop children in its playground located at RTH Kacang Mayang, Pekanbaru City. This study aims to see the implementation of child-friendly city policies in the Kacang Mayang Green Open Space, Pekanbaru City. This type of research is qualitative with descriptive analysis. Qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior from the phenomena that occur. This study examines the facts of the implementation of the Child Friendly Playroom Program in Pekanbaru City. The data collection technique in this research uses literature study by collecting data and documents from various references that will be used as references. The results of this study are that the implementation of child-friendly city policies (a case study of the implementation of the Child Friendly Playroom Program in the Kacang Mayang Green Open Space in Pekanbaru City) has gone well. This is shown by the availability of adequate facilities, infrastructure and facilities to become child-friendly green open spaces. Received a good assessment and determined that Pekanbaru's Kacang Mayang Green Open Space was suitable for children, proving the government's commitment to realizing a child-friendly city through the provision of child-friendly green open spaces. In implementing child-friendly city policies, there are several factors that influence, namely: completeness of the facilities; Accessibility; Safety and comfort; Government commitment.


  • Development Goal atau SDG’s khususnya terkait pembangunan anak

  • This study aims to see the implementation of child-friendly city policies in the Kacang Mayang Green Open Space, Pekanbaru City

  • This study examines the facts of the implementation of the Child Friendly Playroom Program in Pekanbaru City

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Ruang Terbuka Ramah Anak

Perlindungan Anak nomor 12 tahun 2011 tentang indikator kota layak anak menerangkan bahwa dalam mewujudkan kota layak anak terdapat klaster hak anak yang meliputi: 1. Hak sipil dan kebebasan; 2. Yang dalam hal ini dijelaska bahwa yang dimaksud dengan fasilitas kreatif dan rekreatif adalah sarana dan prasarana yang disediakan untuk mengembangkan minat bakat anak, memanfaatkan waktu luang serta menjadi media ekspresi yang berada di luiar sekolah, baik yang disediakan oleh pemerintah, masyarakat maupun dunia usaha. Ruang terbuka kacang mayang dinyatakan ramah anak karena fasilitas, sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia tidak membahayakan anak-anak yang menggunakan fasilitasnya. Dikarenakan ruang terbuka hijau kacang mayang ini sangat ramah anak dan pengunjung pada umumnya, untuk itu segala aktifitas yang dapat mengganggu seperti mengganggu kesehatan pengunjung dan kesehatan lingkungan diberi peringatan, sepeti halnya peringatan di larang merokok. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Kota Layak Anak (Studi Kasus Pelaksanaan Program Ruang Bermain Ramah Anak di Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kacang Mayang Kota Pekanbaru) 1. Fasilitas yang dibutuhkan pun harus aman terhadap jangkauan anak-anak agar tidak mencelakai anai ketika bermain dan bersosialisasi

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