
Pesantren merupakan kekayaan khazanah pendidikan dan budaya Islam di Indonesia. Dalam perjalanan sejarah pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, peran pesantren tak diragukan lagi. Sebelum sekolah dan madrasah bercokol, pesantren jauh-jauh hari telah memberikan kontribusi yang besar bagi pergumulan pendidikan dan pembentukan sumberdaya manusia Indonesia.Pesantren telah melahirkan banyak tokoh nasional maupun internasional, semisal KH. Hasyim Asy'ari, KH. Wahid Hasyim, KH. Mahfudz Tremas, KH. Nawawi Banten dan lainnya. Ilmu-ilmu keislaman, sebagaimana ilmu-ilmu lainnya, selalu berkembang dan berinteraksi aktif dengan realitas dan tuntutan zaman. Karena itu, pesantren sebagai pusat studi ilmu-ilmu keislamanan pada saat ini harus selalu mengembangkan diri dan terbuka dengan realitas kekinian.Salah satu kajian keislaman yang berkembang pesat saat ini adalah ekonomi Islam. Pesantren, dengan kekuatan inteletualnya, mempunyai potensi besar untuk menjadi motor studi ekonomi Islam di Indonesia. Namun realitasnya, kajian ekonomi Islam di Indonesia tidak banyak menyentuh dunia pesantren dan masih terpusat di perguruan Tinggi umum. Penguatan peran pesantren dalam kajian ekonomi Islam sangat penting, baik bagi pesantren itu sendiri, bagi pengembangan ekonomi Islam maupun bagi kaum muslimin secara umum. Peran pesantren dibutuhkan agar ia cepat tersebar dan tetap terjaga kesyariahannya sebagai solusi bagi permasalahan ekonomi umat Islam. Sumbangsih pesantren dalam ekonomi Islam dapat dikuatkan dengan revitalisasi kajian ilmu fiqh dan ushul fiqh di pesantren. Dengan revitalisasi ini pesantren dapat menjadi pusat kajian fiqh muamalah kontemporer yang mengkaji permasalahan-permasalahan ekonomi modern. Pesantren punya modal besar yang tidak dimiliki lembaga pendidikan lainnya, yaitu kajian-kajian pesantren banyak didominasi kajian fiqh dan ushul fiqh. Hanya saja kajian tersebut masih fokus dalam masalah fiqh ibadah dan dalam lingkup madzhab Syafii saja. Kajian tentang fiqh muamalah belum banyak mendapat tempat. Disamping itu kajian di pesantren belum banyak menyentuh kitab fiqh kontemporer, akibatnya kajian fiqh muamalah di pesantren banyak yang tidak membumi dan gagap dalam menghadapi realitas ekonomi modern. Islamic boarding school is a kind of Indonesian Islamic culture and education treasure. In education history lifetime in Indonesia, the existence of Islamic boarding school is undoubtedly. Before the state or private school started their existence, the Islamic boarding school have already given a massive contribution towards the education development and the human resources establishment in Indonesia. The Islamic boarding school have yielded many national and international figures, such as KH. Hasyim Asy'ari, KH. Wahid Hasyim, KH. Mahfudz Tremas, KH. Nawawi Banten and many others. Islamic studies, as any other studies, have always been developing and actively interacting with the realities and modern life styles. Due to that matter, the Islamic boarding school as the centre of Islamic studies are obligated to develop itself and made an open-minded view of recent realities. Nowadays, one of the rapidly Islamic studies is Islamic studies. The Islamic boarding school with their intellectual strength, has a big potential to become an Islamic studies moving spirit in Indonesia. However, in reality, the Islamic economy studies haven't made any good connection to the Islamic boarding school, but it is still concentrated in common universities. The Islamic boarding school establishment participation in Islamic economy studies is considerably important. It is for the Islamic boarding school itself, for the Islamic economy development or even for Moslems as general. The participation of the Islamic boarding school is needed in order to spread and keep the purity of its syaria law as the solution for the Moslems economic problems. The Islamic boarding school contribution in Islamic economy can be strengthened by the revitalization of fiqh and ushulfiqh studies in Islamic boarding school. By the revitalization of contemporary fiqh and ushulfiqhmuamalah studies which focus on the modern economic problems. The Islamic boarding school has big potential which another institutions don't have, thus the Islamic boarding school studies which are dominated by the fiqhand ushulfiqhstudies. But, the studies are only focused on the problem of worshipping fiqh and only in the scope of Syafiimadzhab (point of view). The studies of fiqhmuamalah haven't been proportionally got place. Besides, the studies in Islamic boarding school haven't conducted studies on contemporary fiqh, so the fiqhmuamalah in Islamic boarding school haven't been grounded and felt reluctant on facing the modern economic realities.

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