
ABSTRACT The present investigation explores the design of vocational guidance programs for formal education at the secondary level, to address the lack of an effective vocational guidance program suited to the sociodemographic conditions of the student population. The objective was to develop a critical synthesis of the scientific literature related to vocational and professional orientation, through applied research based on the systematic review methodology. From the analysis, it was concluded that there are essential actions in professional orientation programs to determine high levels of quality: to offer information about academic supply and labor demand, to develop occupational profiles of different careers, to offer information on interests, aptitudes and preferences, carry out training in decision making, link to the primary support group, provide strategies for the development of self-efficacy and vocational maturity, support the use of ICTs, provide strategies for the transition, prioritize the role of mentor and peers, establish a project or life plan, counting on a theoretical foundation and developing a constant evaluation of the vocational programs, during the different stages of the life cycle.

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