
Objective: Analysis aims to analyze the perceptions of university teachers about the use of ICT in teaching from a exploratory study. Methods: Fulfill this a documentary search of 22 articles carried out on University of Ecuador regarding the use and perception of ICT in university teaching; second, the theoretical foundation and relevant findings on the topic are selected to form an analysis regarding possibilities and opportunities for improvement; Third, a discussion is carried out that allows the understanding of social representation phenomena regarding ICTs in Ecuadorian universities. As a methodology, an exploratory qualitative study is implemented through a literary review that accounts for the phenomenon of teachers' perceptions in the use of technologies as a fundamental tool for learning. Thus, the documentary search is carried out in studies from Ecuador that have been completed for a maximum of 5 years. Result: As a result, the analysis seeks to form an analysis that explains teachers' perceptions and build strategies that help improve their application for teaching.

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