
Book reviewed in this article: Sustainable Development in Agriculture, edited by J.K. Parikh Agriculture and the GATT: Rewriting the Rules, by Dale E. Hathaway Keynes's Vision, by A. Fitzgibbons The Canada‐United States Free Trade Agreement: The Global Impact, edited by J.J. Schott and M.G. Smith From School to Unemployment?, edited by P.N. Junankar Empirical Modeling of Exchange Rate Dynamics, by F.X. DieboldK.A. Chrystal and R. Sedgwick (Wheatsheaf Books, Sussex, 1987) Floating Exchange Rates: Theories and Evidence, by R. MacDonald Essays in Honour of Kenneth Arrow: Volume I, Social Choice and Public Decision Making; Volume II, Equilibrium Analysis; Volume III, Uncertainty, Information and Communication, edited by Walter P. Heller, Ross M. Starr and David A. Starrett Keynes and Public Policy After Fifty Years: Volume 1—Economics and Policy, edited by O.F. Hamouda and J.M. Smithin Keynes and Public Policy After Fifty Years: Volume 2—Theories and Method, edited by OF. Hamouda and J.M. Smithin Handbook of Econometrics Volume III, edited by Z. Griliches and M.D. Intriligator Applied Welfare Economics and Public Policy, by R.E. Just, D.L. Hueth and A. Schmitz The Economic Theory and Measurement of Environmental Benefits, by P. Johansson Applications of Modern Production Theory: Efficiency and Productivity, edited by A. Dogramaci and R. Fare Australian Protectionism: Extent, Causes and Effects, by Kym Anderson and Ross Garnaut Policy Options for the Singapore Economy, by C.Y. Lim and associates German Political Economy: The History of an Alternative Economics, by T. Riha World Agricultural Trade: Building A Consensus, edited by W.M. Miner and D.E. Hathaway Industry Assistance Reform and the Labour Market: The New Zealand Experience, by R. Blandy and M. Baker

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