
The Monti Pisani massif (Tuscany, central Italy) is an isolated mountain relief known for its rich geodiversity, including a remarkable palaeontological heritage from the Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. The Palaeozoic record consists of exquisitely preserved plant remains and rarer invertebrates of Permo-Carboniferous age, which testify to extensive rainforests and large swamps that thrived in an alluvial system under a humid, (sub)tropical climate. In addition to invertebrate shells, invertebrate trace fossils and microbial structures, the Mesozoic record features a diverse Middle Triassic tetrapod ichnoassemblage consisting of tracks of lepidosauromorphs, archosaurs (among which are the earliest dinosauromorph fossils of Italy) and nonmammalian therapsids. These vertebrates lived in a subsiding costal setting that stretched across an expanding rift valley under a subarid climate. The Cenozoic record features abundant fossils of terrestrial vertebrates (including spectacular members of the mammalian megafauna) from karst deposits, testifying to the manifold inhabitants of the massif during the glacial and interglacial phases of the Late Pleistocene. Overall, this long-lasting fossil record remarkably demonstrates how much the Earth’s environments have been changing through the Phanerozoic. The outstanding palaeontological heritage of the Monti Pisani area is in need of specific efforts of conservation and valorisation, especially with respect to the many palaeontological sites that punctuate the massif.

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