
Big data refers to big data, fast data processing, diversity of data structures, and data values so that it is not possible to be processed with outdated methods. Big data technology is used in various industrial sectors. Big data technology is the whole technology that can handle Big Data. Some of the uses of big data are based on the largest significant data traffic sources such as social media, financial transactions, public data, sensor data, and corporate data. The same is the case with the status of so many villages in Indonesia, so it is better to use big data for the classification of village status based on the village index build by involving an algorithm process. This research aims to produce a description of the role of big data in supporting activities in a grouping. The method used is a qualitative approach related to data collection based on scientific work with the source of data information needed to study literature techniques from various studies that have been published in national and international journals. A decision is made that big data has been widely used in different circles to facilitate performance and speed up the decision-making process.

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