
Malaria continues to be the main community health problem in numerous nations. Six species of Plasmodium are documented as the cause of human malaria infection. Among others, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites produce an immense challenge in the public health. Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae are the major transimmiter of the disease (malaria) from one person to another. The disease parasite has a complicated cycle of life that occurs in human and mosquitoes. In general, malaria diagnosis is divided into parasitological and clinical diagnosis. Internationally, the death rate of malaria becomes reduced although few records from Ethiopia describe the presence of raised prevalence of malaria in certain areas. Apart from reduction in incidence and prevalence, transmission of malaria is continued throughout the globe. Hence, its control needs a combined approach comprising treatment with effective antimalarial agents. A lot of novel compounds are under pre-clinical and clinical studies that are triggered by the occurrence of resistance among commonly used antimalarial drugs. In addition to the already known new compounds and targets for drug discovery, scientists from all corner of the world are in search of novel targets and chemical entities.

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