
Microchannels are widely used in electronic components for higher heat dissipation rate and for providing optimum performance and durability for electronic devices. In this paper, various aspects of microchannel including its fabrication and experimental study are being reviewed. fabrication of microchannels can be done using machining techniques like micro-milling, electric discharge machining, laser beam machining, lithography, injection molding, dry and wet etching. Experimental comparison of fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in manufactured microchannel heat sinks utilising laminar water flow as a coolant in common applications. Also, coolants like hybrid and non-hybrid nanofluids, ethylene glycol, phase changing material, graphene, etc. are used to enhance the thermal conductivity and heat dissipation rate in microchannel heat sinks. Experimental studies on various output parameters like surface roughness, tool wear rate, and material removal rate are examined. Complex structured microchannel heat sinks are also considered. The variations in process parameters with respect to material removal rate and surface roughness can be found using an experimental study. Also, optimization of various process parameters along with material removal rate and surface quality can be performed using numerical analysis. Heat dissipation performance based on the geometry of the microchannel heat sink is explored. These aspects determine the pressure drop characteristics as well as fluid flow and heat transfer capability of a microchannel heat sink. It is inferred that fabrication, experimental and numerical factors have a remarkable influence on the fluid flow and heat dissipation performance of the microchannel heat sink.

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