
The monograph by L.V. Polyakova collects and systematizes the material concerning the creative biography of E. Zamyatin, his ideological priorities, poetics, the history of publications, relations with writers. The historiosophical concepts of the fi rst third of the century, facts and phenomena of literary life, disputes of critics, as well as modern literary thought are presented. A broad context is being built that allows us to perceive the philosophical depth and artistic power of Zamyatin’s prose in its integrity, multidimensionality, connections with the humanitarian insights of the twentieth century. Zamyatin’s creative individuality is revealed through the correlation of his views on the people, the revolution, world history with the views of N. Berdyaev, A. Blok, M. Gorky, S. Yesenin, I. Ilyin, T. Mann, N. Trubetskoy, S. Frank, O. Spengler and many others. Hermeneutical approach to the comprehension of works is effective, comparative analysis is actively used. L.V. Polyakova’s research is marked by a vivid polemic and reasoned judgments.

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