
Ayurveda had advocated adhering to concepts like Dina charya, ritu charya, sadvritta, and na vega dharan for disease prevention. These measures are valuable in forestalling the way of life-related illnesses however for forestalling the Aupsargika rogas (transferable illnesses), Janapada dhwansa rogas (pandemic illnesses), Krimij Roga (Irresistible sicknesses), Asatmyaj roga (unfavourably susceptible problems), the idea of Vyadhikshamtva is proliferated by the Ayurvedic science.1 Vyadhikshamatva is a compound word made up of the syllables Vyadhi and Kshamatva. The meaning of the term "vyadhi" is "to hurt, to injure, to harm or cause damage. Kshamatva implies remaining calm, repressing wrath, remaining silent, or resisting. Thus, the phrase signifies being persistent in fighting the illness. 2 As indicated by the idea of Ojas or Vyadhikshamatva or Bala (insusceptibility), the body's opposition is vital in the day-to-day government assistance of living creatures for sickness counteraction as well as for fast recuperation after illness hardship.3 Ayurveda argues that strengthening the immune system is a natural way to aid the body's fight against disease-causing pathogens because prevention is just as important as treatment in disease management. Rasayana, or rejuvenation, was advocated by Acharyas for improving ojas and vyadhikshamatva, or immunity. This article aims to present Vyadhikshamatva concepts from Ayurveda.

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