
Abstract: Conceptual Review on the most prevalent condition today that affects leg movements, especially in middle age, is low back pain that interferes with daily tasks. One of Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi is Gridhrasi. It is a pain-dominant lifestyle disorder in which the pain starts from SphikPradesh & radiates down to foot, here piercing type of pain which restricts the movement of the affected leg, make his walking pattern-like bird vulture and put him in disgraceful condition. Gridhrasi (Sciatica). Sciatica can be associated with Gridhrasi in Ayurveda based on its symptoms. 80–90% of people experience low back pain, and 5% of those experience sciatica. Between the ages of 30 and 40, it is typical and affects both sexes. It is a pain-dominant illness that limits people's ability to engage in personal, social, and professional activities. The movement and functions of the body are controlled by Vata, which is one of the diseases classified by Ayurveda as one of them. Vata-Kaphaja Gridhrasi is also caused by Vata-Kapha vitiation. The use of analgesics and physical therapy will help in the treatment of the disease sciatica to some extent, but they are not the ultimate cure. In addition to being expensive, surgery also carries the risk of recurrence. Better options are provided by Ayurveda for treating this painful disorder

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