
The article is an overview of some documents reflecting the activities of two public organizations dealing with women's issues, and one leading activities in the field of children's issues in the 1990s in Russia. The study of documents of public organizations of that period becomes particularly relevant when studying the transition in the country's policy from the protection of motherhood and childhood to the protection of the rights of women and children, since the activities of such organizations reflect the problems that existed in society. Public organizations were often associated with state authorities, political parties or other political associations, as their representatives actively participated in the activities of the former. In this regard, the study of policy formation in this issue is impossible without studying the activities of public organizations. The article, divided into two semantic headings, examines the goals and objectives of public organizations, the agenda of events held by them, resolutions adopted, possible ways to solve public problems that form the vision of the situation by representatives of public organizations. The scientific novelty of the presented article is determined by the fact that in order to write it, the author managed to attract a range of sources stored in the department of non-traditional press of the SPIB of Russia, and to highlight the activities of public organizations in conjunction with the history of the development of some problems in women's and children's issues in Russian politics, reflected in the documents of public organizations. In addition to these sources, periodical press data and memoirs of the participants of the described events, published by themselves, were also used. The conducted research made it possible to make additions to the process of policy formation in the women's and children's issues in the 1990s from the point of view of history. The results of the research can be used in the preparation of courses on the history of Russia, special courses on the history of state and law, when writing textbooks and textbooks.

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