
The article examines the system of administrative and legal protection of children's rights in Ukraine and its constituent elements. The structure of the mechanism of the system of administrative and legal protection of children's rights in Ukraine and its role in ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the child are characterized. As a result of the study, an approach to understanding the content and essence of the system of administrative and legal protection of the child's rights and its categorical apparatus was formed. Ensuring human rights and freedoms is one of the most urgent problems for legal science and state activity. An important place among its components is the protection of children's rights, the specifics of which are determined both by the characteristics of the age, physical and mental state of children, and by the sphere of activity of state authorities regarding the protection, protection and guarantee of their rights and freedoms. Turning to the administrative and legal protection of the rights of the child, it is worth noting that during its implementation, state authorities are necessarily involved and their managerial influence is applied to ensure the legal status of the child in society and the state. That is, how state authorities ensure the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the child, as well as contribute to their development. It is emphasized that the administrative and legal protection of human rights, in particular of the child, corresponds to the main content of state administration, i.e. the regulation of social relations in certain spheres of public life through the use of measures of administrative influence. Means of administrative-legal protection of the rights of the child are the key structural-instrumental legal links that ensure the administrative-legal status of the child and its protection in case of violation. They are characterized by imperativeness, publicity, systematicity and the prospect of legal consequences as a result of application, which is extremely important for the administrative and legal protection of children's rights in Ukraine. The protection of the rights of the child is carried out by combining the efforts of a number of legal categories of normative and institutional content, namely, a set of legal norms and specific mechanisms that, within the framework of these norms, ensure the protection of the rights of the child.

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