
Objectives Our purpose was to review all the major complications of laparoscopy in 6500 consecutive laparoscopies from one centre. We also felt it was important to conduct this study because of the current debate on the use of the Veress needle or the Hasson cannula. Design All the major complications from laparoscopies performed from June 1 1991 to March 31 1995 were documented. This is the largest series from one centre. Each laparoscopy was registered on computer. A distinction between operative and diagnostic laparoscopies was not made by the computer. Results A major complication was defined as one that required laparotomy. In this series eight major complications were recorded. The incidence of major complications was 1.23 per 1000. No vascular injury occurred as a result of using a Veress needle or closed trocar entry. Conclusion Despite advances in operative and diagnostic laparoscopy, complications still occur. From this study there is currently no evidence to suggest that the Veress needle should be banned in favour of the open Hasson technique. The gynaecologist, anaesthetist and consumer need to be aware of the complication rates for gynaecological day surgery laparoscopy.

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